For preparing for the on-line quizzes on this material, the publisher Web site can be helpful. It includes Flashcards that cover the key terms listed below. There is also a Web quiz in multiple choice format that would be good practice for our on-line quiz. If you take the practice quiz from the publisher, you don't need to send the results to me (you can email them to yourself instead).

Key terms in this unit (from publisher)

  • communication: The simultaneous encoding, decoding, and interpretation of verbal and nonverbal messages between people
  • communication apprehension: The fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or group of persons
  • context: The cultural, physical, social, and psychological environment
  • culture: An accumulated pattern of values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by an identifiable group of people with a common history and verbal and nonverbal symbol system
  • dynamic: Something considered active and forceful
  • environmental context: The physical, geographical location of communication
  • ethnocentrism: The tendency to place one's own group (cultural, ethnic, or religious) in a position of centrality and worth, and to create negative attitudes and behaviors toward other groups
  • intentionality: During communication, the voluntary and conscious encoding and decoding of messages
  • interactive: A process between two people
  • intercultural communication: Two persons from different cultures or co-cultures exchanging verbal and non­verbal messages
  • intercultural communication apprehension: The fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with a person from another culture or co-culture
  • microculture: An identifiable group of people coexist­ing within some dominant cultural context
  • perceptual context: The attitudes, emotions, and moti­vations of the persons engaged in communication and how they affect information processing
  • process: Anything ongoing, ever changing, and continuous
  • sociorelational context: The role relationship between the interactants (i.e., brother/sister)
  • symbol: An arbitrarily selected and learned stimulus representing something else
  • transactional: The simultaneous encoding and decoding process during communication
  • uncertainty: The amount of unpredictability during communication

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