UNIT OPENER: Music video - Turkish-German Rap

This video excerpt introduces some of the key issues we will be dealing with in the this unit and in the course as a whole, involving the nature of culture and communication.

First, watch the video (about 2 minutes long) below:

After watching the video, think about the following:

  1. How much could you understand?

  2. What culture(s) are represented?

  3. What forms of communication are used?

  4. What group of people is represented in the video?

  5. How are others outside this group likely to react to this music?

Now, turn to the next page (navigation below or in menu bar at top) for some comments.

Watch full YouTube video

What's the idea behind the unit openers?

Each unit begins with media (video, audio, images) that introduces some of the key concepts covered in the unit. You should think of these as "advance organizers" that prepare you to deal with the material introduced in the unit. Working through the opener and thinking about the questions should help in gaining familiarity with the topics covered.

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