about this tutorial...

This is one in a series of tutorials on intercultural communication. Click on "mobile page" at the bottom of the page for alternative views. You may create a print version by clicking on the "print all" link at the top of the page. Note that additional learning resources are linked in the sidebars.

Anticipated completion time for this tutorial (excluding reading chapter): approximately 65 minutes. Note that you can stop and come back and your score on completed items will be retained.

Learning Objectives

The objectives below can be achieved through working with the assigned readings, watching the presentations, doing the tutorial exercises, and posting to the discussion forums. Achievement of the objectives will be measured through the score achieved on the exercises (questions can be answered more than once), on the Blackboard quiz for this unit, and on the quality of contributions to the course discussion forums.non-verbal.png

By successfully completing this unit, students should be able to...
  • Define non-verbal communication
  • Compare and contrast verbal and non-verbal codes
  • Define kinesics and provide examples of kinesic behavior across cultures
  • Differentiate and give examples of emblems and illustrators

Resources for this unit

  • Chapter 8, Neuliep, Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach
  • Key terms (last page of this tutorial)
  • Chapter summary (in Blackboard: Course Library > Textbook Resources)
  • Two presentations and eight exercises (in this tutorial)
  • Supplemental readings by McDaniel and Fox (see info in Blackboard)
  • Discussion forum: Communicating non-verbally
  • Unit Opener: Non-verbal and verbal communication in context (next page)

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